Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Everything You Should Know about Digital Printing on Fabric

 A decade ago, only international textile brands could afford screen printing. It is a kind of semi-digital printing that gives flexibility to at least 10–12 color options to customize apparel.

As only worldwide textile businesses leverage screen printing technology, it is not wrong to say that it is an expensive deal to include in their clothing line. This technology is not as successful as you expect because it delivers many inaccuracies and errors in Custom Fabric Printing Services.

A technology that eliminates such errors is now available in our global textile market. It is digital fabric printing. Since it is accurate and precise in its functionality, this digital technology will grab from 10% to 15% of the total fabric volume by 2025.

Whether you are a seller or a custom printing fabric manufacturer, this guide on digital fabric printing should help you clear up every misunderstanding. Clearing your concept on this technology would save you valuable time in the future.

What about Digital Fabric Printing?

Digital fabric printing involves the conversion of images into CAD (Computer Aided Design) file formats. The formats act as a guide for the computer to govern micro-piezoelectric inkjet headers that spray special dyeing liquid onto the surface of the textile to form a structural pattern.

To date, many Custom Printing Fabric Manufacturers rely on this digital technology for making customized apparel items for their audience.

7 Merits of Digital Fabric Printing

Digital fabric printing is known for its huge number of qualities. But we discuss only the most significant ones and why it serves Custom Fabric Printing Services.

No Color Limitation

Screen printing has a limit on color utilization; it is only capable of using a maximum of 10 to 12 colors. With digital printing technology, this number of colors will be infinite.

Uncountable Repeat Size

Digital printing allows designers to print an innumerable number of files of any size that our computer can open.


Patterns and designs on textile prints are very clear and clean in the case of digital fabric printing.

More Vibrant Colors

You can print many vibrant and bright colors on the surface of textiles using digital printing.

Super-Fast Sampling

Digital print designs allow for quick changes in their dimensions and figures without incurring any additional costs.

More Environment-Friendly

Digital printing causes very little waste produces less pollution and consumes less energy than its traditional counterparts.

Minimal Stock Related Risk 

There is no chance of additional or extra production of fabric items in digital fabric printing. It produces the exact number that you really need.

Key Takeaways

Digital printing plays a wide role in the custom fabric printing industry. It provides clean, exact, accurate, and precise designs for clients in order to satisfy them in terms of quality, quantity, and standard.

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